Lite For Insta


Our app, Lite for Insta, needs permission: android.permission.INTERNET, android.permission.VIBRATE. This Android permission allows our app to access the internet which is necessary to retrieve information from Facebook servers.


Furthermore, we internally use a webbrowser to access To implement the dark mode, we change the style of Facebook by applying a local custom CSS file. Our own servers do not receive any of your information (including E-Mail address, password, posted content, mobile number etc.) Everything that happens on Facebook is directly delivered to and from Facebook and thus we do not have or need access to your information. Therefore, please refer to the privacy policy of Facebook for further information.

Google AdMob

We occasionally display ads provided by Google AdMob to finance this project. You have the option to disable personalized ads by visiting "Block certain ads". Please visit the following link to get more information on the privacy policy of Google: Google Privacy Policy To get more information on the privacy policy of Firebase, please visit thisand "HOW GOOGLE USES INFORMATION FROM SITES OR APPS THAT USE OUR SERVICES". For more information on Googles privacy policy, visit this website.

Note : 1

This App use web interface of social media platform. We do not access or store your social media username and password. So it is completely safe to login in social media provided in this app.

Note : 2

This is third party app. This app is not sponsored or endorsed by,or affiliated with Facebook.
